SCHOLARSHIP SPOTLIGHT Part 1: Meet Some of Our 2016 Scholarship Class: Johna Wright, Jameyanne Fuller, Donna Posont, Precious Perez, Nathan Clark
From the Editor: This month, NABS is proud to share a myriad of reflections experienced from our national scholarship winners during the 2016 National Federation of the Blind National Convention. Each year, 30 finalists are selected to attend our National Convention, be matched with mentors each day, and gain some financial gain toward the pursuit of higher education.
Meet A Few of the 2015 Scholarship Recipients: Bryan Duarte, Ali Engraf, Tamika Williams, Nefertiti Matos Olivares, and Michael Ausbun
From the Editor: With the 75th Anniversary of the National Federation of the Blind National Convention two weeks behind us now, it is time to reflect upon the experiences gained during our week in Orlando, Florida.
For the Blind, Kindle Good for Nothing but Kindling by Cindy Bennett and Natalie Shaheen
From the Editor: Cindy Bennett is the secretary of NABS and is a member of the committee that publishes the Student Slate. Furthermore, she is a new Seattleite and was delighted to join the Amazon protest. Here is her summary of the day's events along with a passionate breakdown of the issue by the Jernigan Institute.